Brand Design Services

The process of branding your company involves so much more than just telling people which company owns the content they’re looking at. A well-designed brand needs to communicate your personality and what your company stands for. And, yes, your brand needs to have a personality.

This is why all the big corporations have spokescharacters (think about Ronald McDonald, the Pillsbury Dough Boy, Geico’s talking gecko, etc.) The idea behind creating those characters is to personify the brand.

We’re not saying you need to create a spokescharacter for your company, but thinking about what that character might be like can be a fun exercise. It can also help you gain clarity and focus during the branding process so you can decide how you want your company to be presented to the world.

Just like you see those spokescharacters in every ad, and all over the websites of those companies, your brand should be the same. Yes, your logo is an important part of your brand, but your brand is so much more than that. It’s the look and feel of your website. It’s the colors and font you use, as well as the words you use in your content. Both digital and printed materials should convey your brand at a glance.

When you need help with the branding process we can help.